Overview of selected strategy and evaluation-related projects

Sector-wide strategy project

Developing a national sector-wide housing strategy. Worked with the sponsoring organization and a group of housing sector stakeholders to develop a nation-wide strategy for growing the housing sector.

Performance indicators project

Refreshing the performance indicator framework for a major government organisation. Developed an outcomes framework; used the framework to set up an indicators inventory; and, worked with the organisation to define the ongoing basked of indicators to collect selected for their relevancy, collection feasibility and collection cost.

Outcomes framework project

Developing an outcomes framework with both high-level outcomes and drill-down steps for a nation-wide conservation program. Identifying high-level outcomes and workshopping these and then developing lower-level steps that need to occur cascading down from the high-level outcomes.

Evaluation planning & implementation

Developing an evaluation plan for a global health initiative providing comprehensive health information for clinicians around the globe; achieving Rockefeller Foundation funding for the evaluation; and, chairing the evaluation advisory committee overseeing the successful completion of the evaluation.

Consultation project

Facilitating a series of consultation workshops where government agencies came together for a stakeholder dialogue about a proposed policy change in marine environmental protection.

Outcomes-based contracting project

Working with a government agency on their approach to outcomes-based contracting. Dealing with the type of indicators that are appropriate to contract for; how to structure outcomes sets for outcomes-based contracting; and, how to deal with attribution and accountability in outcomes-based contracting.

Snap-shot study of the current status of regional government in regard to climate change strategy and planning. Interviews with regional government representatives.

Regional government strategy project

Fostering government innovation

Strategic input into a project to foster innovation across government that resulted in a proposal for the development of a cross-government innovation barometer. Strategic input to the project team on the most useful way of contributing to public sector innovation.