Dr Paul Duignan’s Clinical Psychology Practice
In addition to working in the AI, organizational and social strategy area, I put aside some time each week to see people in my clinical psychology practice.
“In a sense, whether you are working with an organization or an individual, it’s a similar process. You’re getting to understand both their outcomes and how they believe they are going to achieve these. Of course, the most exciting changes happen when organizations or people feel they’re facing stress and they feel that they need to find new, more sustainable ways of achieving their outcomes.”
With my clients, I use my unique combination of being a Registered Clinical Psychologist, plus having had experience in a large range of different types of workplaces, including startups, government, leadership and ultra high-pressure work environments.
I work with people using my six-step process:
First, precisely identifying the issues my clients are currently facing in their life and/or work.
Second, helping my clients use the motivation that comes with being dissatisfied with aspects of their current lives to develop more skillful ways of living.
Third, working out a feasible, coherent forward personal strategy to navigate through their current situation and beyond.
Fourth, providing them with the specific tools they need to deal with their current situation.
Fifth, using the fact that they are currently facing difficulties to find acceptance, meaning and a more robust philosophy of life (the way we look at what it means to be alive).
Sixth, having my clients go forward to face the life and work challenges all of us have to deal with in this complex age but with a positive and more skillful approach.
Got two minutes? Try my Two-Minute Focus In a Time of Crisis Technique now.
If you have health insurance, it may apply to cover sessions. Flexible session times, both in and out of working hours, weekends, face-to-face, and online and telephone consultations.